
Second Half of 2015 Molybdenum Market Prospect

Domestic market: second half of 2015, China's domestic economic growth is expected to rebound. In the demand side, "one belt and one road" development strategy, nation nuclear power re-construction and other development strategy will stimulate demand for the steel industry, thus further stimulating demand for molybdenum. But due to construction project involves a longer period, the second half of this year is expected to stimulate demand is limited. In the supply side, as the price fell to the majority of mine cost line, the second half of the domestic molybdenum concentrate, molybdenum oxide supply will be eased and the International associated molybdenum mine capacity will not be fully released. Taking all these various factors, the second half of 2015 domestic molybdenum prices is expected to bottom shock or slightly better than the first half.
International market: the second half of 2015, the global economy still uncertain, the downstream steel industry will slightly changed to good side. In the supply side, North America monomer molybdenum and South America associated molybdenum production will not release too much, so market supply will not be greatly affected. Since the third quarter is the traditional summer break, expect the market will remain weak, after the summer break, with the end of the industry off-season, is expected to international molybdenum prices will remain stable or rise slightly possible.

The First Half of 2015 Molybdenum’s Market

The first half of 2015, China's domestic molybdenum market showed a continued downward trend. In the first quarter by the impact of the Chinese New Year holidays, molybdenum concentrate had limited in stock, although the lack of demand, but the price decline is not very large. In the second quarter, although there are a series of initiatives to promote the molybdenum market, but as demand continued to decline, supply continued to increase, while imports of raw materials on the domestic raw materials market also caused a greater impact, so product prices fell to a lower price. According molybdenum and comelan website average price showed the first half of 2015 the average price of molybdenum concentrate was RMB 1,122.09 yuan/ton, down 20.14%. The lowest price is 990 yuan/ton and the highest price is RMB 1,260 yuan/ton. The first half of 2015 the ferro molybdenum (60% Mo) average price is 78,200 yuan/ton, down 19.38%. The lowest price of ferro molybdenum is 70,000 yuan/ton and the highest price of it is 87,000 yuan/ton. The first half of 2015, affected by the lack of demand, international molybdenum prices also showed a continued downward trend. The first quarter of 2015, the global steel industry was dismal performance and molybdenum market demand continues to not busy. Besides, traders purchase is fatigue, so the international price of molybdenum oxide shock decline. Oil prices continued to decline in the second quarter, the downstream demand continues to slump, coupled with China's export tariffs canceled which cause international markets panic and molybdenum price down under such pressure. According to the International MW prices in the first half 2015 MW average molybdenum oxide price is $ 7.98/pound, down 32.37%, the lowest price was $6.20/pound and the highest price is $ 9.45 / pound.

TZM Alloy Plate Alkali Cleaning

TZM alloy Plate at a high temperature processing, surface oxide layer of TZM alloy sheet will adhere to impurities molybdenum oxide particles and MoO3 which is low melting point and has volatile uneven. If continue processing these impurities will be pressed into the TZM alloy plate layer, constitute defects on molybdenum alloy plate surface. In addition, in the rolling process, there may be some tiny microcracks. So the TZM alloy plate necessary to process alkali cleaning.
For cleaning alloy plate, generally choose to use caustic alkali fusion method. Putting NaOH and 3% nitrate in resistors bath and heated to 400 ℃ to melt. Then put TZM alloy plate into the solution, after a few minutes, remove the alloy into a cold water bath cleaning until the alloy becomes flushed white.
In the cleaning process, molybdenum oxide only, reacted with NaOH. But when there are nitrates which is strong oxidant, NaOH will react with the surface of the substrate, the reaction chemistry equation is as follows:
MoO3 + 2NaOH → 2NaMoO4 + H2O
MoO3 + 6NaOH → Na2MoO4 + 2Na2O + 6NO
2NO2 + 2NaOH → NaNO2 + NaNO3 + H2O

The Effect of TIG Welding For TZM Alloy

First, when the welding speed and arc voltage and other parameters to determine the welding current as an important factor to TZM weld joint quality. After study the different welding current found when the welding current is 190A, the weld joint partial fusion is not complete and there are a few small holes. Besides the appearance of weld joint is uneven. Welding current at 230A, weld joint width is large and there are large holes and cracks appearing in the weld. When the current is 210A, the welding is flat and there are no voids and cracks in the weld joint. Besides, the appearance is smooth.
In addition, before welding the tensile fracture of TZM alloy showed significant lamellar morphology and intergranular brittle fracture morphology. And after welding, the tensile fracture of alloys although showing intergranular brittle fracture morphology, but coarse equiaxed grains replace the lamellar crystals. Although the strength of the alloy decreased, but the plasticity has been improved.
TZM alloy after TIG welding the weld joint organization although is large, but due to the thermal effect of welding process, part of the lamellar fibrous structure of TZM alloy can eliminate when formed by rolling, weakening the strength of the material, but an appropriate increase the alloy‘s plastic toughness, maintaining a sufficient strength to meet the basic requirements of the alloy.


TZM Alloy TIG Welding

TZM alloy susceptible to oxidation, even very little oxygen atoms in the molybdenum can be formed MoO2 and segregation at the grain boundaries by monolayer, thereby reducing the binding strength of molybdenum at grain boundaries, leading to TZM alloy intergranular brittle failure. In order to prevent the alloy oxidation or inhaled nitrogen and other impurities in the welding process, welding method is generally used TIG welding (TIG Promise).
TIG welding will produce arc to welding between the non-consumable electrode and the workpiece. During the welding process, the heating area tungsten electrode, furnace hearth, arc and TZM alloy will protect by gas protective layer to isolate the air. And the protective layer is formed by an inert gas provide full protection during welding.
During the test, the welding rod should use the same material of TZM alloy and the diameter of it is ≤3mm. On the other hand, before welding TZM alloy and welding bar should be washed 10% of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid alcohol 3% for 1-3min, remove scale and stains. Then after cleaning put the alloy in the welding workbench and use DC to welding. The joint gap is 1mm.

Analysis the Room Temperature Mechanical Properties of TZM Alloy After Rolling Deformation

TZM alloy after appropriately rolling deformation become tight and room temperature mechanical properties of alloy has been greatly improved. The tensile strength of TZM alloy is more than 840Mpa and the elongation is more than 4%. Besides, the gain is finer. What’s more, its tensile properties are better than un-rolling deformation TZM alloy. Since un-rolling deformation alloy’s Mo grains have weak combine and grain boundaries is weaker, so in lesser strain and lower energy it is easy to become the source of cracks. The rolled alloy, the grain after pressure processing stretched into a fibrous distribution and interplay with Mo grains so the greatly reduced susceptibility of alloy to crack.
At the same time, due to the fine grain size, in the same amount of deformation the deformation dispersed in more crystal grains to operate. The difference of strain ratio in grains and the grain boundary is difference and deformation is more uniform so stress concentration reduces. Alloy can withstand large amount of deformation before breaking. And because fine grain size, grain boundaries zigzags, is not conducive to the spread of crack resulting in the fracture process can absorb more energy, resulting in a relatively large elongation, performance good room temperature toughness.

Different annealing temperatures influence TZM Alloy’s fracture morphology

Different annealing temperatures, tensile fracture morphology of TZM alloy is not the same. When annealing temperature is 850 ℃, the tensile fracture of TZM alloy is mainly transgranular fracture. There is a significant cleavage step on the fracture. And there are a lot of holes in fracture grain boundary. Besides, these holes are formed crack sources in the stretching process which causes alloy break by interconnected. Annealed at 1000 ℃, the fracture has obvious river-like pattern and cleavage step. When the cracks expansion will connect with dislocation and therefore will generate cleavage step. Meanwhile, the alloy before breaking through a lot of strain, so there has been a lot of tearing ridge on cleavage surface. When the annealing temperature is 1150 ℃, the fracture characteristics is similar to 1000 ℃ fracture characteristics, but the degree of cleavage fracture has improved, so the breaking plastic of alloy also increased.
Recrystallization temperature of TZM alloy is about 1200 ℃, when the annealing temperature exceeds the recrystallization temperature, the alloy has coarse grains, the fracture surface is relatively flat. The fracture is mainly transgranular fracture and ductile fracture which is mean plastic of alloy has been further increase. But there have been many irregularities particles and pits in the alloy and there are enhanced phase precipitate in local area. This shows the high annealing temperature weakened dispersion strengthen and have a certain influence on the mechanical properties of the alloys. Therefore, the annealing temperature should be controlled below the recrystallization temperature of TZM alloy.

Deformation Degree Influence Titanium Zirconium Molybdenum Alloy’s Organization Structure

By observing different deformation degrees’ low magnification and high-powered microstructure photograph of titanium zirconium molybdenum (TZM) alloys was found, low-temperature sintering alloy billet has grain fine and uniform structure. After rolling, with deformation degree increases, the original equiaxed grain components along the deformation direction extending and carbide phase dispersed evenly, so the dispersion strengthening effect is more pronounced. When the deformation degree increases, the organization structure of grains becomes blurred, but the grain size and form are consistency good, a fiber distribution. And Mo grains coexist with each other so the intergranular binding force strong and TZM alloy susceptibility to crack greatly reduced. Meanwhile, the alloy grain boundary inside impurity segregation decreased, tensile strength and toughness has been greatly improved. As the deformation increases, the overall variation of the alloy structure is as follows: a large amount of deformation of TZM alloys occur carbide phase dispersed uniformly, high dispersion, fibrous tissue increased and more refined, the final alloy room temperature mechanical properties significantly improved.


Different Annealing Temperatures Influence TZM Alloy’s Fracture Morphology

Different annealing temperatures, tensile fracture morphology of TZM alloy is not the same. When annealing temperature is 850 , the tensile fracture of TZM alloy is mainly transgranular fracture. There is a significant cleavage step on the fracture. And there are a lot of holes in fracture grain boundary. Besides, these holes are formed crack sources in the stretching process which causes alloy break by interconnected. Annealed at 1000 , the fracture has obvious river-like pattern and cleavage step. When the cracks expansion will connect with dislocation and therefore will generate cleavage step. Meanwhile, the alloy before breaking through a lot of strain, so there has been a lot of tearing ridge on cleavage surface. When the annealing temperature is 1150 , the fracture characteristics is similar to 1000 fracture characteristics, but the degree of cleavage fracture has improved, so the breaking plastic of alloy also increased.

Recrystallization temperature of TZM alloy is about 1200 , when the annealing temperature exceeds the recrystallization temperature, the alloy has coarse grains, the fracture surface is relatively flat. The fracture is mainly transgranular fracture and ductile fracture which is mean plastic of alloy has been further increase. But there have been many irregularities particles and pits in the alloy and there are enhanced phase precipitate in local area. This shows the high annealing temperature weakened dispersion strengthen and have a certain influence on the mechanical properties of the alloys. Therefore, the annealing temperature should be controlled below the recrystallization temperature of TZM alloy.

Deformation Degree Influence Titanium Zirconium Molybdenum Alloy’s Organization Structure

By observing different deformation degrees’ low magnification and high-powered microstructure photograph of titanium zirconium molybdenum (TZM) alloys was found, low-temperature sintering alloy billet has grain fine and uniform structure. After rolling, with deformation degree increases, the original equiaxed grain components along the deformation direction extending and carbide phase dispersed evenly, so the dispersion strengthening effect is more pronounced. When the deformation degree increases, the organization structure of grains becomes blurred, but the grain size and form are consistency good, a fiber distribution. And Mo grains coexist with each other so the intergranular binding force strong and TZM alloy susceptibility to crack greatly reduced. Meanwhile, the alloy grain boundary inside impurity segregation decreased, tensile strength and toughness has been greatly improved. As the deformation increases, the overall variation of the alloy structure is as follows: a large amount of deformation of TZM alloys occur carbide phase dispersed uniformly, high dispersion, fibrous tissue increased and more refined, the final alloy room temperature mechanical properties significantly improved.

Deformation Temperature Influence Titanium Zirconium Molybdenum Alloy’S Organization Structure

Deformation temperature is one of the important factors affecting the titanium zirconium molybdenum (TZM) alloy organizatiom structure, and changes in the organizational structure of the alloy can also cause changes in their properties. After study the influence of different deformation temperature on TZM alloy found that when the deformation temperature is lower than 1150 , due to the deformation resistance of titanium zirconium molybdenum alloy is large so the cracking becomes serious which can not employ subsequent processing. As the deformation temperature increase, TZM alloy has no cracking phenomenon. Besides, the deformation resistance of TZM alloy decreased and the plasticity increase. When the deformation temperature at range of 1300~1350 , the organizational structure of the alloy is a fibrous elongated grains which are mutually overlapping staggered. Besides, the arrangement between the grains very compact and grain boundaries is straight which has fewer voids. However, if the deformation temperature above 1350 , the grain size of the alloy TZM can cause excessive tissue coarsening. During rolling the alloy will pass through a large thermal deformation, so that the ductility of the alloy to give the corresponding increase, but there is a big internal tissue distortion after deformation. If subsequent processing steps still using higher heating temperature, it is easy to make a crude alloy, reduce performance TZM alloy.

La2O3 Influence TZM Alloy’s Mechanical Properties

La2O3 particles can not only improve the recrystallization temperature of TZM alloy, but also can improve strength, elongation and other mechanical properties. The strengthen role of the La2O3 particles is mainly due La2O3 particles and dislocations can occurs strong interaction. There are a large number of dislocations in TZM alloy are firmly pinned by La2O3 particles. If dislocation wants to break the pinning of particle should generate greater stress, thus room temperature tensile strength of TZM-La2O3 alloy is better than TZM alloy which has significantly improved. With the La2O3 particle content increase, the interaction between particles and the dislocation enhance and pinning effect to dislocation is also significantly enhanced. Strengthening role of La2O3 particles become more pronounced.

TZM alloy after adding La2O3 particles exhibit good ductility, mainly because of a microporous relaxation mechanism of La2O3. When introduced the small dispersed second phase La2O3 particles in into Mo, on one hand, it makes deformation more uniform. On the other hand, a large number of dislocations are nailed it, in favor of delaying the formation of intergranular cracks. With the further deepening of deformation, cracks will expand or stretch into the cavity, and these holes allow stress relaxation, thereby increasing the tensile properties of the alloy.


TZM-La2O3 Alloy

With advances in technology and society, performance requirements more stringent to TZM alloy. After the study, adding rare earth can well improve the performance of TZM alloys, including alloy’s recrystallization temperature, ductility and toughness. And adding metal La2O3 in TZM alloy has been widespread concern.
Related scholars using powder metallurgy method with Mo powder, TiH2, ZrH2, of La2O3 and graphite as raw material produce TZM-La2O3 alloy. And then employing pressing process produces TZM-La2O3 0.5mm thick sheet. By studying the recrystallization temperature, strength and toughness of TZM alloy which influence by La2O3 and compare the microstructure and properties effects of TZM-La2O3 by different methods of rolling to better improve the performance of the alloy, to expand its range of applications.
Add La2O3 can refine TZM alloy grain to increase the density and strength. Meanwhile, La2O3 significantly delayed the recrystallization of TZM alloy and with the increase of La2O3 the recrystallization of TZM alloy increase as well. In addition, La2O3 particles for the dislocation has a strong pinning effect making tensile strength and elongation is better than TZM alloy and the overall performance is also good.

Different Compression Rates Influence TZM Alloy Fracture Morphology Ⅱ

When compression rate is 60% TZM alloy has a clear dimple and the fracture mode of grains mainly transgranular fracture mode, a higher proportion of this fracture mode, indicating that the grain boundary of alloy has been some strengthening. But there is still a small part grains are cleavage fracture mode. The whole fracture mode mixed with cleavage fracture, ductile fracture and transgranular fracture mixed.

When the compression rare is 80%, the fracture morphology of TZM alloy shows the river-like pattern cleavage fracture. Although similar fracture pattern with compression rate 60% TZM alloy, but the proportion of grain which occur transgranular fracture and cleavage fracture further improved. And because the cleavage fracture during breaking process will occur plastic deformation so a lot of fibrous tissue will increase in alloy where you can see some small tearing ridge and shallow dimple belt. Usually the ductile fracture of alloy is higher when cleavage fracture happens.
When the compression rate is 90%, fracture morphology of TZM alloy is fiber microstructure and the area of fracture source can see platform, stairs and other morphology. Fracture mode is cleavage fracture and transgranular fracture. At the same time due to the plastic deformation of the grain the gaps and voids are crushed and welded together, so the gaps and voids volume of the alloy significantly smaller and reduced. The alloy has more fibrous tissue and the grains interaction coexist with each other making the alloy bonding force enhancement, material has been significantly strengthened, and tensile strength reached 846Mpa.
Effect of compression ratio of TZM alloy is mainly with the increase of the compression ratio, the alloy becomes denser and fracture mode mainly transition from ductile fracture, transgranular fracture to quasi-cleavage fracture.

Different Compression Rates Influence TZM Alloy Fracture Morphology Ⅰ

At different compression rates TZM alloy fracture morphology is different. TZM alloy which produced by powder metallurgy has four general fracture mode, along strengthen molybdenum particles internal fracture, along strengthen phase particles fracture, along the adhesion and strengthen phase internal fracture, along with enhanced adhesion particles internal fracture.
By analysis TZM alloy fracture surface under different compression ratio found that the un- rolling TZM alloy fracture mode is intergranular brittle fracture, from the SEM image can clearly see each grain exhibit polyhedral shape and full of voids. In the stretching process, these voids as source of crack and they connect with each other resulting in alloy breaks. When TZM alloy compression ratio is 40% the fracture mode is intergranular fracture and cleavage fracture, where individual grains have fracture phenomenon. At the same time, there are some small spherical particles dots and hollow on the grain boundary fracture. These spherical particles dots are TiC which play dispersion strengthen in alloys, but occurs at grain boundaries will reduce the strength of the grain boundaries to a certain extent. And because equiaxed structure and some do not weld holes exist, so the tensile strength is not high.


TZM Alloy Organization Structure

After observing TZM alloy SEM image found there uniformly distributed white spherical particles and the shape of the block material. Analysis element content found that the white spherical particles main element is Ti and matrix elements mainly is Mo, Zr and a small amount of Ti, from this we can see that small amount of Ti and Zr form Mo-Ti and Mo-Zr solid solution in TZM alloy with Mo. Bedsides, the solid solution ability of Zr is better than Ti. And this is because the solid solution of TZM alloy is mainly through Mo matrix to dissolve a small amount of Zr, Ti, C and other element making Mo lattice contorted. The size of the solute and solvent atoms greater the difference, the better the reinforcing effect, on one hand, the size difference factor of Zr and Mo is + 14.3. On the other hand, Ti and Mo size difference factor is + 4.4. So the solid solution ability of Zr is better than Ti. Although C and Mo size difference factor is -34.5 which is very large, but due to the C content is low in TZM alloy and most of C will work with Mo, Ti and Zr react generate carbide, at the same time C will be consumed when occurs reduction reaction. Therefore TZM alloy strengthen mainly Mo-Ti and Mo-Zr solid solution strengthening, as well as TiC and ZrC dispersion strengthened which was generated by Zr, Ti, and C. These organization structures not only improve the mechanical properties of the alloy also increases the alloy recrystallization temperature.


Deformation Strengthening of Titanium Zirconium Molybdenum Alloy

Deformation strengthening for molybdenum and titanium zirconium molybdenum (TZM) alloy is an important enhancement means. The object of deformation strengthening is making alloy crystal lattice distortion, dislocation density increases, as well as produce secondary grains and so on, so that the alloy mechanical is changed, thereby changing its performance. Deformation strengthening has many ways, such as forging, extrusion, hot-rolled etc.. So when selecting deformation strengthening means should follow product different shape and requirements. After a series of research data found that TZM alloy after deformation strengthening not only improve strength and ductility, but also ductile - brittle transition degree reduces and the tensile strength significantly increased.

When produce TZM bars, the usual deformation strengthening method is hot extrusion. After extrusion, alloy along with extrusion axis direction and perpendicular extrusion direction performance will vary. Alloy along with extrusion axis direction show ductility and along with perpendicular extrusion direction showing brittleness.

Annealing Temperature Influence Titanium Zirconium Molybdenum Alloy Properties

Titanium zirconium molybdenum (TZM) alloy after deformation strengthening typically generate residue stress. In order to eliminate residue stress, while changing the properties of the alloy, are generally required to anneal.

After studies found that TZM alloy process vacuum annealing after extrusion after, in which the annealing temperature increased from 950 to 1050, the strength and the elongation of TZM alloy changed little, but when the annealing temperature increased from 1050 to 1600, TZM alloy significantly improved elongation, and tensile strength decreased.
In addition, as the annealing temperature increase, the hardness of the TZM alloy is lowered, especially when in 1400~1500 . So we can see, with the annealing temperature increase the hardness of the alloy is lowered very obvious. Therefore, it is considered that grains group up with annealing temperature increases, but can quickly eliminate dislocation, lattice distortion and other defects, so that the ductility of the alloy increases, stretching decreased.
Annealing temperature also make titanium zirconium molybdenum alloy dislocation density changes, TZM alloy annealed at 1450 for 15 minutes, the dislocation density decreased from the original 3 × 1010cm-2 to 7 × 109cm-2, and the higher the annealing temperature, the shorter the time to reduce the dislocation density.

Titanium Zirconium Molybdenum Alloys Annealing Treatment

When produce the titanium zirconium molybdenum (TZM) alloys, the last step generally required extrusion, forging or pressing, so to improve shaping and processing performance. But TZM alloy after extrusion, forging or pressing will produce residual stress. In order to eliminate residual stress and change the brittleness of the alloy, therefore need to do some annealing treatment. Because the Ti, Zr and C in TZM alloy will cause carbide precipitation and Ti, Zr solid solution so that TZM alloy recrystallization temperature will improve, and the annealing temperature of TZM alloy is generally above 1150 . On the other hand, select the annealing temperature annealing is crucial. Because the annealing temperature can affect not only impact the hardness, but also tensile properties of the alloy can be greater.

Annealing is generally happen in a vacuum or protection of hydrogen, but after some recent studies have found that nitrogen use as a protected gas during annealing, that is making nitriding alloy to alloy during annealing. TZM alloy after nitriding, the base body to produce titanium nitride particle and it can improve the hardness and tensile strength of the alloy.

Using Powder Metallurgy Method Produce Titanium Zirconium Molybdenum Alloy

Using powder metallurgy method produce titanium zirconium titanium zirconium molybdenum (TZM) alloy and the alloy will has solid solution strengthening and second phase strengthening. Besides, its high-temperature strength higher than conventional high-temperature alloys, deformation by appropriate treatment can greatly enhance its shaping, which makes the TZM alloy become an very important high temperature structure materials in civil industry and defense industry.

After the study found that using powder metallurgy method to produce titanium zirconium molybdenum alloy not only smelting process is complicated and also costly. So in recent years some researcher using thermite reaction method to produce TZM alloy, which directly use oxides as raw material and can not only reduce costs, but also can produce high-hardness alloy. What’s more it after hot rolling with good workability.
Using powder metallurgy method to produce titanium-zirconium-molybdenum alloy there produce processes are as follows:
1. Making high-purity molybdenum powder, TiH2 powder, ZrH2 powder and spray carbon black powder mixed evenly in accordance with a certain proportion and then cool molding.
2. Then at 1900 ~ 2100 high temperature sintering in a hydrogen atmosphere to give the TZM blanks.
3.TZM blank and then hot-roll at 1250~1350 high temperature, at 600~750 temperature warm rolling and at 200 ~ 300 cold rolling.
4 Finally, after stress annealing get TZM finished materials.


Titanium-Zirconium-Molybdenum Alloy's Advantages

Molybdenum as a high temperature material has high melting point, good electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, low coefficient of expansion, excellent thermal shock resistance and heat and high temperature resistance performance. But because molybdenum recrystallization temperature is low, brittle and room temperature strength low and other defects, so it's application is limited. The alloy can greatly improve the shortcomings of molybdenum, and thus developed a variety of molybdenum-based alloys, such as MHC, TZC, and TZM and so on. Of which the most widely used is titanium-zirconium-molybdenum alloy (TZM). Mainly because TZM overcome a series shortcomings of molybdenum, while retaining the good performance such as high-temperature heat resistance of molybdenum.

It has a higher recrystallization temperature, good corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties and good high-temperature strength and low strength and other advantages. According advantages of TZM it is widely used in various fields, such as TZM has good heat resistance, and it is often used to make nuclear energy parts and the spacecraft's heat radiating plate. While its shows a good mechanical properties in high temperature and pressure, so commonly used in the military industrial sector, such as rocket nozzles, gas pipelines and so on.

Titanium-Zirconium-Molybdenum Applications

Titanium zirconium molybdenum alloy (TZM) is most widely used in molybdenum-based alloys. Because of its unique properties make it has very broad application prospect, such as in the military fields and nuclear power parts manufacturing.

TZM has good mechanical properties at high temperature and pressure so widely used in military fields, such as the valve body of torpedo engine with, rocket nozzles, gas pipes and nozzles roar lining. According TZM good heat resistance, it is often used to heat part manufacture of nuclear energy, radiation exposure, cage, heat exchanger, and the spacecraft's heat panels and others. TZM can also be used to make black or non-ferrous metal die-casting mold materials and seamless stainless steel piercing point, such as copper rotor mold on the engine. It also was widely used as lumber, to make high-temperature furnace wall furnace and hot isostatic press heat shield and other high-temperature structural materials. In addition, titanium zirconium molybdenum alloys also wildly used in electrical and electronic industry, such as tube cathode, grid, high-voltage rectifier elements and integrated circuits and other semiconductor film.

Titanium-Zirconium-Molybdenum Oxygen Content

Oxygen content is an important parameter to measure the level of titanium-zirconium-molybdenum alloy (TZM) products and it is also an important indicator on products’ processing plastic and vacuum performance. But the specific request parameter to determine by the level of the industry average.
American Standard ASTM B387 mark 364 requires oxygen content of TZM not more than 0.030%. But Chinese products due to different sintering production methods lead to different levels of oxygen content which can divided into
andtwo kinds of levels. Levelproduct ‘s oxygen content requirement not more than 0.030%, and the products are usually produce by  high-temperature vacuum sintering. Besides using this method the product processing plastic is better, and during vacuum there has small volume decentralized, suitable for forming a variety of high-temperature structural parts, electronic components and other functional parts. LevelTZM oxygen content is usually at 0.030% to 0.080%, typically use hydrogen sintering protection to produce, but after processing its room temperature ductility low which is suitable for making a high-temperature structures on non-oxidizing atmosphere conditions.

Improving titanium-zirconium-molybdenum performance

Titanium zirconium molybdenum (TZM) has many good performances, and it is often used as high temperature structural components. However, it also has some drawbacks that it be limited in application. And improve the performance of titanium zirconium molybdenum methods have two which are to improve its oxidation resistance and the using neutron irradiation method.
Firstly, TZM oxidation resistance is not very good, it can not generate anti-oxidation layer to protect itself, and it will limit the range of applications and service life. Improve TZM antioxidant properties there are two main methods. The first is alloyed, which is adding trace elements in the alloy to improve oxidation resistance of the TZM, but this method of alloying at a high temperature oxidation is not strong resistance. The second method is coating surface technique in which coated a protective layer in the surface of the alloy. And the pack cementation method because it has a low cost, easy to control, substrate and coating adhesion is widely used.
On the other hand, after further research found that using neutron radiation method can change TZM ductile-brittle transition temperature and mechanical properties, thereby improving the performance of TZM.