
Using Powder Metallurgy Method Produce Titanium Zirconium Molybdenum Alloy

Using powder metallurgy method produce titanium zirconium titanium zirconium molybdenum (TZM) alloy and the alloy will has solid solution strengthening and second phase strengthening. Besides, its high-temperature strength higher than conventional high-temperature alloys, deformation by appropriate treatment can greatly enhance its shaping, which makes the TZM alloy become an very important high temperature structure materials in civil industry and defense industry.

After the study found that using powder metallurgy method to produce titanium zirconium molybdenum alloy not only smelting process is complicated and also costly. So in recent years some researcher using thermite reaction method to produce TZM alloy, which directly use oxides as raw material and can not only reduce costs, but also can produce high-hardness alloy. What’s more it after hot rolling with good workability.
Using powder metallurgy method to produce titanium-zirconium-molybdenum alloy there produce processes are as follows:
1. Making high-purity molybdenum powder, TiH2 powder, ZrH2 powder and spray carbon black powder mixed evenly in accordance with a certain proportion and then cool molding.
2. Then at 1900 ~ 2100 high temperature sintering in a hydrogen atmosphere to give the TZM blanks.
3.TZM blank and then hot-roll at 1250~1350 high temperature, at 600~750 temperature warm rolling and at 200 ~ 300 cold rolling.
4 Finally, after stress annealing get TZM finished materials.

