
Advanced Tungsten Molybdenum Sapphire Furnace

The GT Advanced Technologies advanced tungsten molybdenum sapphire furnace  is the ideal platform for producing high-quality, large-area sapphire substrates for markets that demand the highest grade sapphire material such as high brightness LEDs and other specialty industrial markets. Based on 40 years of proven sapphire production and crystalline growth process technology, the tungsten molybdenum sapphire furnace combines a highly automated, low risk operating environment capable of producing consistently uniform sapphire boules that yield high quality material for a lower cost of ownership.

Sapphire,Sapphire Furnace
Tungsten Molybdenum Sapphire Furnace
-Fast A-axis, bottom-up growth producing high quality, low stress sapphire material.

-Short cycle times <18 days for 100 Kg boule*.
-Annual production capacity >100,000 TIE per furnace.
-Scalable architecture offers investment protection.
-Based on 40 years of proven sapphire material production.
-Flexibility in crucible geometry and charge size to meet wide range of customer requirements.
-Highly automated growth process with no moving parts for low cost, low risk operations.
-Easy seeding process.
The sapphire material produced in the tungsten molybdenum sapphire furnace is grown in a low thermal gradient, low stress environment that consistently produces high quality material ideally suited for high brightness HB LED applications and other specialty industrial markets. The tungsten molybdenum sapphire furnace provides a low-risk path to high volume sapphire production and a high return on your investment.

