
Copper Molybdenum Copper (CMC) Material

Because copper has a high electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and molybdenum has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, high strength and other good properties, so the use of both the excellent performance of a composite material highly favored by electronics engineers. Besides, it has a wide range of applications in microelectronics. Many companies using online continuous rolling composite technology and the United States AMAX company and Climax Specialty Metals company using hot rolling complex methods to produce a copper molybdenum copper (CMC) composites material, and applied the relevant patents. In China, some researchers have tested the explosive welding method for CMC electronic packaging production and have studied the adhesion mechanism of CMC encapsulating material interface in detail. Because the physical properties of copper and molybdenum are quite different and they are not mutually solution, so the interface of both copper and molybdenum can closely combine is the key to the preparation of CMC composites material. On the one hand the interface should have high bonding strength and clean surface is an important prerequisite to achieve high strength bonding of interface. On the other hand, if surface is too smooth, it is hard to process deformation and composite strength is lower as well, so the surface state before the composite of molybdenum and copper plate interface to achieve high strength composite material has an extremely important impact.
copper molybdenum copper

