
Element Ti and Zr Influence TZM Alloy (2)

After adding elements Ti and Zr TZM alloy grain is fine, and there are a lot of second-phase grains and pore between Mo grains. The study found that TZM second phase grains and pore for TZM alloy has some inhibiting effect. Grain boundaries provide resistance to deformation of the material, with the grain refinement, polycrystalline strength improved. Despite the added TiH2 and ZrH2 of TZM alloy pores more, the relative density is low, and there is plenty of space particles, but due to finer grain, so the strength of TZM is higher.
However, the second phase particles and pores with grains Mo interface is easy to become a source of micro-cracks to reduce the fracture toughness of the material, thereby causing material happen intergranular brittle fracture. Wherein when the size of the pores and the second phase particles become smaller, more dispersed distribution, strengthening the effect is more obvious. Conversely, when a large particle size when the second phase, it will affect the properties of the alloy.
TZM Cube

