
Tungsten Alloy In Yacht

Waha~ It is long time no see, everybody! How is everything going with you ?  I am busy working  in my alibaba, and Hanns who is my boss is busy having his yacht training, that sounds so cool and great! And you?

Here, let me talk about yacht.

What is yacht?

A yacht is a recreational boat or ship. The term originated from the Dutch Jacht meaning "hunt". It was originally defined as a light fast sailing vessel used by the Dutch navy to pursue pirates and other transgressors around and into the shallow waters of the Low Countries. After its selection by Charles II of England as the vessel to carry him to Britain from Holland for his restoration, it came to be used to mean a vessel used to convey important persons.
Tungsten alloy is one important material in yacht. It just like the role in golf club head.
Tungsten Alloy in Yacht
A golf club head comprise one or more balance weights for swing smoothness. The balance weight is selected from a number of balance weights and placed in a weight cavity formed in the golf club head. Tungsten alloy is now widely recognized as the material for this significant role. Correctly applied tungsten alloy weight perfectly balances the club providing better overall control.
Tungsten Alloy
Tungsten Alloy Parts
Tungsten Alloy Part
Tungsten Alloy Parts
Tungsten Alloy Screw For Golf

Because of their unique properties, tungsten alloy screw is well suited for use as weights in variety of sport equipment. Tungsten heavy alloys have a density twice that of steel and weigh seven times more than aluminum.Tungsten alloy inserts allow manufacturers to locate gravity center of the ball in the perfect spot. This process has lead to improved launch, spin and forgiveness. Recent innovations have also increased the usage of tungsten in the sport. Some claim that because tungsten is dense and the center of gravity more centrally located, a tungsten alloy screw will create more spin in golf balls.

Numerous techniques have been used for weighting golf club heads in order to gain better performance. In persimmon wood club heads, weights were attached to the sole in order to lower the center of gravity. The first metal woods had sufficient weight, however, the weight distribution deterred slightly from performance.

The refinement of hollow metal woods with weighting on the sole improved upon the performance of these clubs. We use a tungsten golf screw in the sole of each titanium club head body to vary the weight of the golf club head.
Tungsten Alloys Screws
Tungsten Alloys Screws
Chinatungsten Online offers tungsten alloy counterweights for a variety of applications, including but not limited to various kinds of parts and tungsten alloy screw for golf clubs and weights for both clubs and balls.

Have a good time, dear Hanns!


Molybdenum Bar Or Molybdenum Rod?

A  few days  ago, I asked my collague Sarah who in charge of molybdenum bussiness a question that What Is Molybdenum Bar and What Is Molybdenum Rod? I always can not distinguish molybdenum bar from molybdenum rod cleanly. Now, with the help of Sarah I can do it.

Here, I want to share it with you and wish anyone can give any suggestions or doubt to me in what I mentioned in the following.

What is molybdenum bar and molybdenum rod?

The cross sections of molybdenum bar have many shapes, it may be square, triangular, hexagonal etc., but, if the cross section is round it must be called rod. That to say, the cross section of molybdenum rod must be round and molybdenum bar must not be round.

Also, it may be different in other countries and I would like to listen other voice about it .
Polished Molybdenum Rods
Polished Molybdenum Rods
Unground Molybdenum Bars
Unground Molybdenum Bars

Molybdenum bar is one popular product made of molybdenum. Molybdenum rod is one round cross section, and cylinder-shape metal made of molybdenum. Therefore, they shares the properties of molybdenum, which are high melting point, good thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion. At high temperature, they can resist oxidation and have high strength without any distortion during the procession, etc.

They just have different shapes in their cross sections, also have different application. For example, molybdenum bar may be  used as molybdenum electrode or processed into molybdenum wire, and molybdenum rod may be processed into molybdenum disc or used as supporting rod etc..


Do You Know What Is Molybdenum Wire Used For?

Molybdenum Wire

Yesterday, I inspected Chinese version of my mini website which named www.molybdneum-wire.com, and have a better understanding of what is molybdenum wire used for?

Do you know wha is molybdenum?
What property does molybdenum have?
Why do we use molybdenum wire?

Here, I would like to share it with everybody~

Molybdenum is a metal silvery in color with properties that make it one of the most prized industrial metals. It melts at 4,753 degrees Fahrenheit (2,623 degrees Celsius) — one of the highest melting points of any metal — and has the ability to withstand very high pressure and temperature without softening or expanding much.

The above properties of molydbenum make molybdenum wire useful in various products, like automotive and aircraft components, electric vacuum devices, light bulbs, heating elements, and high-temperature furnaces. Molybdenum wire can also be used for printer needles and other printer parts. Depending on what the molybdenum wire is to be used for, it can be made from pure molybdenum, from a mix of molybdenum and other materials such as potassium silicate, or from alloys of molybdenum and other metals, for example tungsten.

Molybdenum wire is often used to make parts that provide structural support, even at very high temperatures. For example, it is commonly used for various furnace components, like heating elements, outlets and windings. Its high melting point makes molybdenum wiresuitable for specialized, high-temperature furnaces featuring hydrogen or vacuum atmospheres.
Cleaned Molybdenum Wire
Black Molydbenum Wire
Another common use for molybdenum wire is as parts for light bulbs. For example, it can be used in the manufacture of supports for lamp filaments made from tungsten, to make leads forhalogen lamp bulbs, and to make electrodes for gas discharge lamps and tubes. This type ofwire is also used in the windshields of airplanes, where it functions as a heating element, providing defrosting. Molybdenum wire is also used in the manufacture of electron tubes and power tube grids.

The surface of the wire can either be clean or coated. Coated wire is black in color, because it is covered in oxides and lubricants. The tensile strength of wire is often an important consideration in manufacturing, and also affects the appearance of the wire: the more tensile strength, the less straight the wire is.

Molybdenum wire commonly comes in sizes from 0.001 inches (0.025 mm) in diameter, to 0.25 inches (6.35 mm) in diameter. Its size can be measured either in inches, or in mils, with 1 mil being equal to one thousandth of an inch. For very thin wire, the size is expressed in the form of weight of a certain length of wire, rather than by diameter.

In addition, molybdenum is similar in appearance to lead, and even received its name from the Greek word for lead, molybdos, because it was often mistaken for lead in ancient times.

Now, do you know what is molydbenu wire used for clearly?

Molybdenum Sputtering Target

What is molybdenum sputtering target?

Molybdenum sputtering target  is a product with high standard, and metallic silver luster surface color. Requirement of molybdenum sputtering target purity is strict that it is always above 99.95%. Surface condition surface can be supplied in a shiny, bright or as-rolled condition, dependent upon thickness.


Shapes of molybdenum sputtering target can be round, rectangle and tube. The regular process of molybdenum sputtering target is sintering, forging, tooling and grounding.
Molybdenum Sputtering Target Disc
Molybdenum Sputtering Target Disc

Guaranteed chemical composition of molybdenum products for sputtering targets

GradeМо%*Impurities, ppm, maximum

* Typical content of the base element Мо 99.97%
** Sum of metallic impurities


Sputtering targets made from high-purity molybdenum are used in physical vacuum deposition technologies (PVD methods) for thin films and functional coatings in the production of solar battaries and integral circuits, in forming TFT-matrices of large-format LCD displays and in other technical spheres.

Otherwise, molybdenum target X-ray  is an effective way to detect early breast cancer which is recognized in the worldwide, it has great meaning to females' health.

If you have any interest in molybdenum sputtering target or ohter molybdenum products, please feel free to contact us by email: sales@chinatungsten.com  biz@ctia.com.cn or by telephone: 86 592 912 9696, or 86 592 512 9595.

More Molybdenum Products in wolfram.en.alibab.com>>



Yesterday, all of Chinatungsten Online colleagues were taken train on Alibaba which lasted 4 hours. It contains our tungsten, molybdenum and other related products in our http://wolfram.en.alibaba.com/. The construction of our company alibaba has great significance to company’s development.

Do know why we use Wolfram.en.alibaba.com not Tungsten.en.alibaba.com?

Haha~ Let me tell you the reason in the following:

Tungsten is one of those elements with a symbol that doesn't seem to correlate to its name, or at least its English name. The symbol 'W' comes from the name wolfram, which you will find on German and certain other periodic tables. A man named Peter Woulfe determined that tungsten was a new substance, but the element's name doesn't derive from his name. Rather, it comes from the Swedish wolf rahm, which refers to the way the ore wolframite (Fe, Mn)WO4 intereferes with tin smelting, appearing to devour the metal.

Alibaba Group is a family of Internet-based businesses which makes it easy for anyone to buy or sell online anywhere in the world. Since its inception, it has developed leading businesses in consumer e-commerce, online payment, business-to-business marketplaces and cloud computing, reaching Internet users in more than 240 countries and regions. Alibaba Group consists of 25 business units and is focused on fostering the development of an open, collaborative and prosperous e-commerce ecosystem.
We get lots of  ideas and knowledge from this Alibaba train.  And there are so many things to do, it may  be take one week, half  a month and even more time. As the saying goes that All Things Are Dificult Before 

They Are Easy.Competition always carries abreast challenges and opportunities to everyone involved and we  hope that our company can has a new development and appearance by AliBaba.

Time is money, let us fighting together, all my dear chinatungsten colleagues!


Happy Chinese Valentine’s Day To My Whole Chinatungsten Colleagues

Today is the Chinese Valentine’s Day!

My colleague Sarah who in charge of molybdenum receives a branch of red roses from her boy friend in this morning.  A total of eleven red roses  and thet means Love her whole life. They are so beautiful and their love is so sweet. So wish them happiness forever.

Means Love~
Means Love~
Here, Let us talk about  Chinese Valentine’s Day together!

On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, raise your head and gaze at the stars, you will find something romantic going on in the sky.

VALENTINE’S Day in China, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, falls on August 13 this year.
That is, on Monday evening, Niu Lang and Zhi Nu will meet on a bridge of magpies across the Milky Way. Chinese grannies will remind children that they would not be able to see any magpies on that evening because all the magpies have left to form a bridge in the heavens with their wings.

Romantic legend

The legend has been handed down for nearly 2 millennia. The story has been recorded as far back as the Jin Dynasty (256-420 AD). Poets composed hundreds of verses on the love story and many types of Chinese opera tell the story.

The Chinese people believe that the star Vega, east of the Milky Way, is Zhi Nu and, at the constellation of Aquila, on the western side of the Milky Way, Niu Lang waits for his wife.

Looks So Hot~
Looks So Hot~
Zhi Nu was said to be the youngest of seven daughters of the Queen of Heaven. With her sisters, she worked hard to weave beautiful clouds in the sky, while Niu Lang was a poor orphan cowherd, driven out of his home by his elder brother and his cruel wife.

Niu Lang lamented over his lonely and poor life with an old cow, his only friend and companion. The magical cow kindly told him of a way to find a beautiful and nice woman as his life companion.

Under the direction of the cow, Niu Lang went to the riverside on an evening, where the seven fairies slipped out of their heavenly palace to bathe.

He took one of the beautiful silk dresses the fairies had left on the bank. When the fairies left the water, the youngest couldn’t find her clothes and had to see her sisters fly back to heaven without her.

Then Niu Lang came out with the dress and asked the youngest fairy, Zhi Nu, to stay with him.
Red Roses
Red Roses
Several years passed on Earth, which were only a few days in heaven. Niu Lang and Zhi Nu lived happily together and had two children before the Queen of Heaven discovered Zhi Nu’s absence.

She was so annoyed she had Zhi Nu brought back to heaven. Seeing his beloved wife flying in the sky, Niu Lang was terrified. He caught sight of the cowhide hanging on a wall. The magical cow had told him before dying of old age: “Keep the cowhide for emergency use.”

Putting the cowhide on, he went after his wife with his two children.

With the help of the cowhide, Niu Lang was able to follow Zhi Nu into heaven. He was about to reach his wife when the Queen showed up and pulled off her hairpin to draw a line between the two. The line became the Silver River in heaven, or the Milky Way.

Zhi Nu went back to the heavenly workshop, going on weaving the clouds. But she was so sad, and missed her husband across the Silver River so much that the clouds she weaved seemed sad. Finally, the Queen showed a little mercy, allowing the couple to meet once every year on the Silver River.

In the evening, people sit outdoors to observe the stars. Chinese grannies would say that, if you stand under a grapevine, you can probably overhear what Zhi Nu and Niu Lang are talking about.

At last, make my  best wishes to the whole Chinatungsten colleagues( contains tungsten,molybdenum and tungsten carbide  departments) on Chinese Valentine’s Day!

Pure Molybdenum Electrodes

Today, the pure molybdenum electrodes have been completely produced  and then we  sent it to our customer.
Let us get to  know something about it together!
Pure molybdenum electrodes is made of pure molybdenum, and the products you see in the following  have been burnished, so they all have metallic luster.
Pure Molybdenum Electrodes
旋转 IMG_2599
It Looks Like Rocket!
Height 37mm
Looks Like An Aircraft
Pure molybdenum is widely used in electric circuit,household glass, optical glass, insulation materials, glass fiber, rare earth industry and other fields because of its high temperature strength, long service life, good corrosion resistance, extended performance and temperature resistance, making the galsses shader easily etc..
Pure molybdenum electrodes have different shapes like cylindrical,  rectangular,  irregular shape ect.. It is according to different uses to produce.
That is pure molybdenum electrodes.


Pure Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy

Well, today, I get a good artical from the book which mainly introduce the differences between pure molybdenum, TZM alloy(titanium-zirconium-molybdenum), MHC alloy(molybdenum-hafnium-carbon), MLa alloy(molybdenum-lanthanum-alloy), MY alloy(molybdenum-yttrium-alloy), MW alloy(molybdenum-tungsten-alloy), MCu alloy(molybdenum-copper-alloy) in its content, properties and applications. By reading, I have a better understanding in their about them. Here, I am glad to share it with you.


NameIngredients (%)
TZM 0.40~0.550.06~0.120.01~0.04 0.08~0.14  
MHC   0.04~0.12    
ML    0.2~3.0   
MY     0.2~0.8  
MCu       0.3~30.0


1. Pure Molybdenum Properties:
High melting point and high elastic modulus;
Low and resistor and vapor pressure;
Good heat resistance, thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient

2. TZM Alloy(Titanium-Zirconium-Molybdenum)
Compared with pure molybdenum, TZM  alloy has following advantages:
Better heat resistance;
Higher recrystallization temperature;
Good creep resistance and weldability

3. MHC Alloy(Molybdenum-Hafnium-Carbon)
MHC alloy has the following advantages  which compared with TZM alloy :
Better creep resistance;
Higher heat resistance and recrystallization temperature

4.MLa Alloy(Molybdenum-Llanthanum)
MLa alloy compared with pure molybdenum has the following advantages:
Better creep resistance and welding performance;
Higher recrystallization temperature;
Good plasticity after high temperature used

5.  MY Alloy(Molybdenum-Yttrium)
MY alloy compared with pure molybdenum has the following advantages:
Better oxidation resistance;
Higher recrystallization temperature;
Good weldability;
Good adhesion with glass sealing

6.MW Alloy(Molybdenum-Tungsten)
MW alloy compared to pure molybdenum alloy has the following advantages:
Good resistance to molten metal corrosion resistance;
Higher recrystallization temperature and strength

7.MCu Alloy(Molybdenum-Copper)
MCu alloy has the following advantages:
Good thermal conductivity and thermal expansion


NameNominal Composition (wt%)Applications
Pure Molybdenum99.95MoVacuum furnaces, glass melting, electronic devices, heat sink
TZM0.5Ti, O.08Zr, 0.03CThermal processing tools, stoves installed appliances
MHC1 ~ 1.5Hf, 0.03 ~ 0.05CHot work tool
Mo-W10 ~ 30WMolten zinc treatment, sputtering target
Mo-Re41 ~ 47.5ReTraveling wave tubes, rocket boosters
Mo-La0.5-1.5La (La2O3 state was near)Sintering boat




1. 纯钼(Mo)
熔点高、 导热性能好、热膨胀系数小、 电阻小、 蒸发压力低、 弹性模量高、 良好的耐热性能

2. TZM (--) 合金

耐热性能更好、 再结晶温度高、 抗蠕变性能好、 焊接性能较好

3. MHC(--)合金

耐热性能更高、 抗蠕变性能更好、 再结晶温度更高

4. MLa(-镧氧化物)合金

再结晶温度高、 抗蠕变性能更好、 焊接性能好、 高温使用后塑性好

5. MY(-钇氧化物)合金

再结晶温度高、 抗氧化性更好、 焊接性能好、 与玻璃封接有较好的粘着性

6. MW(-)合金

有较好的抗熔融金属的腐蚀性能、 再结晶温度更高、 强度更高

7. MCu(-)合金

具有良好的导热性能、 热膨胀小















