
Ground Molybdenum Rod Or Blank Molybdenum Rod

Molybdenum rod is one of the super start products in Chinatungsten Online. We are to provide different molybdenum rods with the different surface conditions and spcifications.

Molybdenum Rod Specification:
Molybdenum rod is manufactured as random length pieces or cut to customers' desired lengths in diameters ranging from 0.080 inches to 6.00 inches. Please view Molybdenum Rod to see our standard sizes of round bar. Below are most of the standard sizes of our molybdenum rectangular bars. If you do not see the size of molybdenum rod that you require, please feel free to contact us.

Blank Molybdenum Rods
Ground Molybdenum Rods
Molybdenum Rod Surface Conditions:
1. Black Surface - Surface is "as swaged" or "as drawn"; retaining a coating of processing lubricants and oxides.
2. Cleaned - Surface is chemically cleaned to remove all lubricants and oxides.
3. Shiny finish - Surface is lathe shinny or polished.
4. Spray sand surface

Molybdenum Rod Application:
Molybdenum rod is mainly used in drawing thin molybdenum wire, molybdenum electrode and steel-making additives. Meanwhile, molybdenum rod is also widely used in the furnace industry for radiation screens, elements, and sintering trays.
Chinatungsten Online is a professional manufacture and sale in providing molybdenum and tungsten products. If you are in need of any Mo/W products, please feel free to contact us.

Are Your Looking For Cu-Mo-Cu Materials

Are your looking for Cu-Mo-Cu materials? If yes, just feel free to contact Chinatungsten Online. 

Cu-Mo-Cu (CMC Alloy) is a sandwich composite including a molybdenum core layer and two copper clad layers. It has tailorable CTE, high thermal conductivity and high strength. All types of Cu-Mo-Cu sheets can be stamped into components.

-Large sized sheets available (length up to 400mm, width up to 200mm).
-Can be stamped into components.
-Very strong interface bonding which can repeatedly resist 850 heat shock.
-Tailorable CTE matching that of semiconductor and ceramic materials.
-High thermal conductivity.
-No magnetism.
The following table is the different kinds CMC alloy:

1: 4:1
1: 3:1
1: 1:1


Phalenopsis Orchids
A few days ago, Chinatungsten Online bought many phalenopsis orchids form the flower shop. I felt that it was so beautiful when I saw it at the first time, it was placed on the desk in the reception of Chinetungsten.
The most common orchid acquired by people is the Phalaenopsis orchid. Unfortunately, these are often discarded after the flowers fall off. With proper care, your orchid can flower multiple times a year! Well, let me have a brief instruction about how to care for phalenopsis orchids. The following is the steps:

1. Identify that you have a Phalaenopsis orchid (Phals for short). Different types of orchids have very different care.
Phals usually have 3-6 very broad, somewhat floppy leaves that alternate. The flower spike comes from between these leaves.
The flowers on phals can be any color, including white, pink, yellow, striped or splotched. Flowers are usually 2-4 inches in diameter and bloom on a spike that may be 12-18 inches in length.
There may be more than one spike on a large plant and it may have anywhere from 3-20 flowers. If you aren't sure you have a phal, check the internet for images.

2. Do not over water your phal! This is the number one cause of death and you may not even know you are doing it until one day the plant is dead.
Phals are epiphytic plants, meaning in the wild they attach themselves by their roots to a tree or rock and get their nutrients from detritus that accumulate around their roots.
Moth Orchids
This means that their roots aren't sitting in wet soil under natural conditions. Frequently, orchids from big box stores are either over watered or under watered. Over watered plants get root rot and eventually die b/c they can't absorb water.
Under watered plants have hard, brittle roots. Healthy roots should be thick, a silvery green with bright green tips.
It's a good idea to check the roots on a new phal when you bring it home. If all the roots are brown and squishy, trim them off and repot the plant.
Keep it on the dry side until you see new roots forming.
When you do water(typically once a week works well in most homes, but you should put your finger into the substrate to feel it before watering, if wet, hold off), allow water to run until it comes out of the holes in the pot.
Do not get water on or in between the leaves, as this can cause rot, which can kill the plant.
Generally, under watering is a lot less likely to kill a phal than over watering.

3. Pot your orchid correctly. Proper potting of the orchid will help keep you from over watering!
During this time, you may want to keep the orchid in a more humid area, like a bathroom (as long as it gets some light).
Phals can be potted in a variety of substances, but the most important is that the potting substrate allows the roots to get some air and drys relatively quickly.
This means never, ever use potting soil for houseplants on phals. One of the easiest thing to use is a bark mix for orchids.
To re-pot your plant, get a plastic or clay pot (plastic holds water better and you water less with one than clay-if you have tendency to over water, go with clay).
Go with a pot size that fits the roots the best, not the leaves. Smaller is always better, as it dries faster.
Position your flower in the middle of the pot and fill in the pot with the bark mix. As you fill, you should bang the pot against the floor to help settle the bark.
It helps to soak the bark beforehand in water. Pots should always have holes in the bottom to allow good drainage.
You can put a plastic pot with holes into a more decorative container if you want to and then just take it out when you water it.
Orchids don't like to have wet feet! Not all roots may fit in the pot and that is normal
(Phals have aerial roots, you can mist them with a spray bottle when you water the plant).
Phalenopsis Orchids
Moth Orchids
Moth Orchids
4. Do not put them in direct sunlight. Phals are a lower light orchid. They do not like to be in direct sun and this can burn their leaves easily.
Diffused light or early morning light in an east window works well.
Overhead lights in your house are probably not enough though, so you should keep it near a window where it gets some natural, diffused light.
Not enough light will keep the plant from re-flowering. If it's been 6 months since you've seen signs of a flower spike, try putting the plant in a little more light.

5. Keep your plant warm. Phals do not like to get too cold. Temps at night shouldn't get below about 62 degrees. Daytime temps in the mid 70's to 80's are good.

6. Don't forget to feed them. Phals need plant food at some point.
Once a month diluted in water works well.
You should use about half the recommended amount on the label and avoid food that use urea for the nitrogen, as it can burn the root tips.
A 10/10/10 or 20/20/20 formula works well. There are several formulas especially for orchids, but they are all pretty much the same.

7. If your first flower doesn't make it, try again! Starting with a healthy plant is easier than trying to revive one that wasn't cared for properly in the store. Look for a plant with big thick roots and nice shiny leaves that don't droop too much.

Hope it is helpful to you.

Hyacinths In Chinatungsten Online

White Hyacinths

Do you like flowers? Which are your favorites? Well, our Chinatungsten Online grows many kinds of flowers, and the most colorful one is hyacinths. Have you ever known it? If not, the following is what it is.

Hyacinths is also named Yang narcissus, Narcissus Western, Goshiki Narcissus, when like Kam, Hyacinths Orientals, the Oriental hyacinth, is only one of a large variety, originating in Southeast Asia and West Asia. 

Hyacinths stands for pleasure, contests, betting, games, sad, sad love, forever remembered etc. It has many colors and different have different means.
White: conservative in sweet humility of love, sweet and lively
Red: your love filled my heart, you receive the sincerity of my
Blue: virginity, as if to see you the same pleasure, thank you for your kindness
Purple: be my love, you must be happy, sad, jealous
Yellow: have you on the happy
Pink: strong admiration, romantic
Peachblow: want to get heart
White Hyacinths
Purple Hyacinths
Hyacinths love the warm and humid winter, cool summer, slightly dry, sunny or cloudy environment. Tend to the fertilizer should be fertile and good drainage of the sandy loam, too wet or sticky bogey heavy soil. Hyacinth bulbs have the summer dormancy habits, autumn and winter to take root, germinate in early spring new leaves, flowering in March, withered plants in early June. Hyacinth in the growth process, the bulb at 2 ~  low temperature when the best root growth. Germinating shoot temperature for 5 ~ 10 , leaf temperature for 10 ~ 12 , squaring flowering period to 15 ~ 18  most beneficial. Bulb storage temperature of 20 ~ 28 , the optimum is 25 , the most ideal for flower bud differentiation. Short-term tolerance to frost.